ICSE Yoga Class 10 Syllabus 2020-21

There are two papers in the subject. Paper I (Theory) is of 2 hours duration carrying 100 marks. The paper is divided into four sections as follows:

  1. Section I: 40 marks

  2. Section II: 20 marks

  3. Section III: 20 marks

  4. Section IV: 20 marks

Section I will be compulsory. Candidates are required to attempt all the questions from this section. There is no choice of questions. 

Sections II, III and IV have a choice of questions. Candidates are required to attempt two questions from each section. 

Section I

1. The Nervous System

(i) The brain, the voluntary and involuntary nerves.
(ii) The five Jnana Indriyas - eyes, ears, nose, tongue and the skin. - their role in sensory perception
(iii) The five karma Indriyas - arms, legs, tongue and larynx, organs of excretion and organs of reproduction. - their role in performing actions
(iv) Yoga and the health of the nervous system.

2. The Excretory System

(i) The organs of excretion.
(ii) The importance of the proper elimination of body wastes for maintaining health.

3. The Circulatory System

(i) The heart and blood vessels, blood and its composition.
(ii) The lymphatic system.
(iii) How Yoga improves circulation.

4. The Important Endocrine Glands

(i) The thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas and testes.
(ii) Their importance in growth and human health.
(iii) How Yoga helps to regulate functioning of endocrinal glands.

Section II

Candidates are to write notes on the lives and teachings of the following: Vyasa, Yagnavalkya, Chaitanya, Narsi Mehta, Jnaneshwar and Purandardas.

Section III

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

1. The Four Padas

Samdhi pada, Sadhana pada, Vibhuti pada and Kaivalya pada.

2. The Five Vrittis

Pramana, Viparyaya, Vikalpa, Smriti and Nidra

3. The Five Kleshas

Avidya, Asmita, Raga, Dvesha and Abhinivesh.

4. The Obstacles

(i) Vyadhi, Styana, Samshana, Pramada, Alasya, Avirati, Bhranti, Darshana, Alabdhahumikatva Anavasthi-tattva.
(ii) Dukha, Daurmansya, Angamejayatva and Shvasa Prashvasa.

5. The Virtues

Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha

6. The Shudripus

Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya.

7. Abyasa and Vairagya

Section IV

Important Schools of Indian Philosophy and some Slokas.

1. Orthodox Philosophies

Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and Vedanta.

2. Hetrodox Philosophies

Charvaka, Buddhism and Jainism.

3. Five Important Slokas

Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.2 1.33 1.14 2.28 2.3