ICSE Class 6 History Syllabus 2020-21

Unit1 - The River Valley Civilization

In this unit, students would learn the basics of civilization and what it means. Students would know why the earliest societies developed near rivers. It also gives you a perspective of the contributions of various cultures in the world. Students will be able to compare the societies of the past with the current civilization. This section talks about:

  1. The various sites on the map of India where different river valley civilizations were based. The major civilizations discussed are Indus valley, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Chinese.

  2. Characteristics of these civilizations in terms of origin, social life, town planning, occupations, trade, art and craft, architecture, and religious beliefs.

  3. How these civilizations declined. 

Unit 2 - The Vedic Civilization

This unit aims at acquainting students with India's glorious past, which dates back to 3500 years ago. The genesis of today’s society can be gauged by learning about Vedas and epics of ancient Indian literature in this section. The key takeaways of this part of the syllabus are:

Unit 3 - Mahavira and Buddha - Great Preachers

Here students will learn to appreciate the teachings of Mahavira and Gautam Buddha. By going through this section of Class 6th History ICSE Syllabus students can understand the similarities and differences between the two ideologies. This chapter also teaches them the importance of tolerance (Ahimsa) so that students can become better citizens. This unit will take you through the following key topics:

Unit 4 - Rise of Kingdom and Republicans

In this section of ICSE Class 6 History, Syllabus students will look into how wars and invasions came about with men's ambition to rule and form empires. It is these kingdoms of the past that have shaped the present-day political and social lives. You would get in-depth knowledge on:

Unit 5 - The Mauryan Empire

This section would teach students about the Mauryan empire with a special mention to Ashoka The Great, who realized how wars could demolish civilization. King Ashoka got influenced by the Buddhist principles of peace, non-violence, and compassion. Students would know how the doctrine of Dig Vijaya (conquest of lands and territories) slowly gave way to the doctrine of Dhamma Vijaya (Winning through love). The key concepts of this chapter are:

Unit 6 - The Golden Age - Gupta Empire

This section focuses on the Gupta dynasty, which came into existence after the Satavahana and Kushan empires’ fall. Students will learn how the rule of the Gupta dynasty describes the “Golden Age” of ancient Indian history. It was named so because of the advancements in trade, literature, Mathematics, Ayurveda, and astronomy in this era. From this unit, students would learn the following: