Class 6 ICSE English Syllabus 2020-21

Listening and Speaking Section

The listening and speaking section includes a range of texts and audios to understand the comprehension skills of the students. These include the following aspects:

English Syllabus- Reading section

It includes the literary and non-literary texts which cover different themes and registers them further for comprehension and inference. The themes usually include:

English Syllabus - Writing

This section helps you gain an idea of how to curate and write the texts in both formal and informal formats. These include:

English Literature Syllabus

  1. Novels- Gerard Durrell

  2. Malgudi Days- R.K. Narayan

  3. I am Malala- Malala Yousafzai

  4. Detective Stories- Agatha Christie

  5. The Lost World- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  6. The Happy Prince and Other Tales- OscarWilde

  7. Animal Farm- George Orwell

  8. Tuck Everlasting- Natalie Babbitt

  9. Short Stories

  10. Something Out Of Nothing

  11. Marie Curie and Radium- Carl Killough

  12. Ignited Minds- APJ Abdul Kalam

  13. Graphic Novels- Tintin Series/ Asterix Series

English Syllabus - Grammar

Grammar is an important aspect of English as it allows the students to learn about the usage of words in the language. The various grammar topics covered include: